Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A tame ride to the station....

Got up for 5am and rode the mountain bike to the station along the roads. I took the MTB as it is a little hardier on the train than the carbon frame of the road bike – and doesn’t mind other people dumping their £50 steeds on top of it. But by god it was dull. Even with a throbbing leg I found the hills that the route puts in front of you rather tame or indeed flat! There was no mud, rocks or sudden turns. I reached 50kmph without even noticing – on knobbly tyres. It took 25 mins to cover the distance and I warmed down for 5 mins – so managed the full 30 mins of training – but only burned 290 kcal, average HR was only 130 and I simply feel that I haven’t done enough – probably because I haven’t.


I realise I need to be a little careful – my right knee and shin are both still pretty swollen and a little painful – but seem to cope under load, but I so enjoyed the weekend and am desperate to find some more mud to play in! Unfortunately I am in London today and I very much doubt there is much opportunity to do so on the ride back to St Pancras! Ah well – I guess I will just have to wait for another weekend away or make do with Grafham water and take my kids with me….

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