Thursday, May 07, 2009

Thursday aches and pains....

I ran to the office this morning from the station after taking another rest day yesterday. I have some odd pains in the lower half of my left leg they were there on the 10km the other day as well but they don’t seem to be going with rest unlike other niggles which is slightly worrying with the first race only a few days away. It feels almost as if the muscle below the calf is about to Blow up! So I think there will be little or no training for the rest of the week while I rest it and see how it works at the race on Sunday at Stratford-upon-Avon.

As long as it is better for Blenheim and I can get some more training in before then I will be happy not too worried about this weekend if I do badly but Blenheim was always the A race and Id like to be fit and healthy for that.

I am  also conscious of the lack of cycling I have been doing I need to make a concerted effort next week to get on the turbo trainer and do some more hills. It was on the training schedule this week but once again that has been blown out of the water. You can see why people hire a coach now in order to keep them on the straight and narrow I seem to be wandering aimlessly at the moment.

Anyway rest is the order of the day I think for the leg..

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